Friday 14 May 2021

Wullo River Station 12 - NT. (Alot of photos).

The ringers were in the yards, working the young cattle yesterday. They had a bit of trouble early in the morning, with their stock horses being a bit fresh. I had an absolute ball watching the going on's and hope my pictures reflect the action............ there maybe a lot of pictures...........

The gardener Tim, has been doing a great job and now we are getting home grown vegetables.

Corn on the Cob.

The planters seem to be working well.

The 3 with horns should be in Jurassic Park, oh- I mean Jurassic Paddock-lol
We have a paddock call Jurassic and that's where these will be kept!

Not happy as I keep moving around.

Sunrise in the yards.

Stock horses.

The ringers catching the stock horses.

Two out of three are caught.

Three caught now.

Ainslee with her horse -looks pretty quiet!

I just like this picture.

Male ringer trying to work out which way the Bridal goes on?? (It's not his first, second or third time either)!!

Erin giving Rich some coaching.

Just do it yourself Erin!

Proving to be tricky.

Erin perseveres. 

All done.

Walking them in.

Saddling the horses.

Nearly Ready. (Ainslee

Almost ready.

Golden tail, ready and waiting.


Lunging to quieten them down.

Still looks quiet??

Erin up and ready to move out.

Oh - Now Ainslee's horse is playing up.



Come on calm down.

Dew drops on the yards & grass.

Ainslee (Ringer)

Erin (Ringer)

Time to take the jacket off.


Closing the gate - a very important job.

The Cradle.


Branding Irons.

Looking down the race.

While no one is watching - we will just have a little snack.

Young Cattle waiting to be moved.

Git along there!

Ainslee holding the cattle in position.

Don't let them break.

Getting the cattle used to following the horses, with no rush.

There's a break away behind you... I said behind you!!

Pushing them up!

Moving along.

Just gorgeous!

A bit of speed happening.

Break away!

Movement in the yards.

Dust & Dirt, just how the ringers like it.

Cute & Cool. (Ainslee)

Who's looking at me?

Just love them.

Steady there.

The Boss, checking what's happening.

I just love being in the yards and watching - Oh........but if I had my time again!!

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