Tuesday 4 May 2021

Wullo River Station 11 - NT.

Never a dull day, drafting is happening in the cattle yards, up at 6am to have a look.
Separating the bulls, breeders, weaners etc so each group will go to their own paddock. 

Sun up in the yards.


Buffalo protecting the herd.

Sitting on the fence to see how the Buffalo react.

Drafting in progress.

Moving the cattle up.

Dusty yards.

Holding yard.

Time for a smoke.

Hold up there!

In our yards, which are one of a kind, designed to help the flow of cattle, so they are all curves, as cattle don't see directly in front of them. The only yards to incorporate a viewing platform.

Come on girl - bring them in!

Erin (Ringer) moving the cattle up.

Moving the cattle up the race,

The chopper fly's by.

The Cattle want to be out in the ranges.

Don't want to get tangled on them horns!

Ashley & Erin struggle with a gate.


Look at the size of them horns!

Part of the tail being cut, so we count and we know these cattle have been processed before.

What are these two doing?

Lucky these two are now separated.

The girls pushing up cattle.

This little poddy calf.

Can't get enough of this pair.

Richard working the 7 gate draft.

Not happy - poring the ground.

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